Kelly Scrima, young student at Hollis Brookline, organized a student Art Show at 263 Art Gallery during the Month of February.
The students involved are Kelly Scrima, Meagan Cahill, Dana Avard, Jen Turner, Eleni Philipon and Brock Green. The Opening will be on February 11 and all are welcome to attend. Refreshments will be served
The idea of a student run and based art show that would allow high schoolers to display their Art in a professional setting, has been brewing around in Kelly Scrima's mind for quite some time. All of the artists are a part of the AP Studio Art program at Hollis-Brookline High School, under the direction of Lina Pepper. Kelly will be pursuing Art History in college next year (along with theatre), in the hopes of some day becoming a curator. She loves Museums, and she could spend all day in them. With this exhibit she wants to create an atmosphere that is enticing and thought-provoking.
263 Art Gallery is located in the beautiful Victorian building located at 263 Main street in Nashua, NH
For more information about the Opening, call the owner Pong Maynard at 603- 321 0233
10% of the sales will go to Charity and the money collected for Charity at the last exhibit will be given to the Humane Society during the new Opening.